DA Press

2 different modes of InMode Lifting for skin elasticity and double chin

Dr. Back Sang Hoon (Photo by DA Plastic Surgery Clinic)

Cheeks with elastic skin can be seen as young and defined contour. As time goes by and we get older, our skin loses momentum, and began to droop with age. Starting with the skin under the eyes, the cheeks become droopy, and the slim jawline is dull and the boundaries are not visible. Double chin is another reason to the face may look bigger from the front and the side.

Many people think that weight management can improves sagging facial fat. However, in this case, the entire facial area, not the drooping part, can lose weight and make your cheeks look more puffy or hollow face. Elastic lifting to lift sagging skin and remove unnecessary fat can make improvements faster and simpler.

One of the dermatological procedures that can help is ‘InMode Lifting’. Using 2 different modes, one can expect skin elasticity while others can expect double chin fat removal.

The first mode is ‘Mini FX’, which instantly transmits energy from 45-47 degrees of heat to the fat layer, intensively destroying excessively accumulated fat cells. In particular, by removing double chin fat, which are the main culprits of ruining smooth facial lines, one can try to degrade the chin line more naturally and uniformly than chin liposuction. The second mode ‘Forma FX’, raises the skin surface to about 43 degrees, promoting elastin and collagen regeneration from a deep 5mm layer of dermis. As time goes by, it can be helped to improve skin tone and skin texture, including fine wrinkles. Even if your skin is thin and sensitive, it still has a tightening effect. The InMode lifting laser is equipped with its one heat-sensing sensor, which can check the temperature 10 times a second. It is possible to perform a quick and comfortable procedure without worrying about burns, blister, or pain. If you are looking for more long lasting effects, we would like to recommend to receive ‘Ulthera Tuner’ with ‘InMode Lifting’. Ultrasonic and high frequency energy are given at the same time, synergy is created and lifting effects can be expected for more than a year.

“If you’re concerned about 2 types of sagging cheeks and sagging skin elasticity, you need a care method suitable for each of them, In-mode lifting is a two-mode procedure that destroys double jaws by removing unnecessary fat and allows us to expect smooth and defined jaw line” said Back Sang hoon, doctor of DA Plastic Surgery Clinic.